The Trustee toolkit is a free, online learning programme from The Pensions Regulator aimed at trustees of occupational pension schemes.
The Trustee toolkit includes a series of online learning modules and downloadable resources developed to help you meet the minimum level of knowledge and understanding introduced in the Pensions Act 2004. You can find more information about the Trustee knowledge and understanding requirements on The Pensions Regulator's website.
Find out more about the Trustee toolkit and why it's the most popular way for trustees to learn about their role.
Learn more about the modules and the topics they cover.
As a pension trustee or scheme manager, you will need to connect with and supply pensions information to savers through dashboards. Read more in TPR's initial guidance.
TPR are committed to promoting high standards of diversity and inclusion among our regulated community. Read more in TPR's action plan.
See TPR's guidance for trustees, pension managers and administrators on checking, proceeding with and refusing transfer requests from scheme members.