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Investment in a DC scheme: Scenario 1/2
PDF document investment-in-a-dc-scheme-scenario-one.pdf

In this scenario the investment sub-committee meet to discuss the DC scheme investment strategy and review the default investment strategy and alternative investment options provided to members.

0.09Mb, 9 pages

Investment in a DC scheme: Scenario 2/2
PDF document investment-in-a-dc-scheme-scenario-two.pdf

In this scenario the investment sub-committee meet again to discuss the last quarter’s performance of the investment options and the charges. They make further recommendations to the trustee board as a result.

0.09Mb, 7 pages

Investment in a DB scheme: Check your scheme worksheet
PDF document Investment in a DB scheme_Check your scheme worksheet.pdf

Complete the worksheet to understand your own scheme in relation to the learning from this module

0.13 Mb, 4 pages

Investment in a DB scheme: Tutorial 1/6 - Understanding investment strategy
PDF document Investment in a DB scheme - Tutorial 1 Understanding investment strategy.pdf

Learn about what the investment strategy in the context of a DB scheme and an integrated risk management framework means including setting a target asset allocation strategy.

0.09Mb, 10 pages

Investment in a DB scheme: Tutorial 2/6 - Changing asset and liability values
PDF document Investment in a DB scheme - Tutorial 2 Changing asset and liability values.pdf

Here we revisit how changes in market conditions impact the value of the scheme's assets and liabilities, but this time in the context of understanding the risk in your scheme's investment strategy.

0.19Mb, 21 pages

Investment in a DB scheme: Tutorial 3/6 - Future projections and scenario analysis
PDF document Investment in a DB scheme - Tutorial 3 Future projections and scenario analysis.pdf

Learn about scenario analysis which can help you understand how changes in economic and market conditions could impact the current investment strategy.

0.10Mb, 11 pages

Investment in a DB scheme: Tutorial 4/6 - Stochastic modelling
PDF document Investment in a DB scheme - Tutorial 4 Stochastic modelling.pdf

Learn about how the randomness of future economic and market outcomes can be incorporated into pension scheme modelling.

0.13Mb, 15 pages

Investment in a DB scheme: Tutorial 5/6 - Changing the asset allocation strategy
PDF document Investment in a DB scheme - Tutorial 5 Changing the asset allocation strategy.pdf

Look at the typical ways the riskiness and potential reward of an investment strategy can be changed by the trustees.

0.12Mb, 13 pages

Investment in a DB scheme: Tutorial 6/6 - Reviewing the investment strategy
PDF document Investment in a DB scheme - Tutorial 6 Reviewing the investment strategy.pdf

Learn how the tools, tasks and approaches covered in the module so far can be used to assess a pension scheme's current investment strategy and to support proposals to change the strategy.

0.11Mb, 14 pages

Investment in a DB scheme: Scenario 1/3
PDF document Investment in a DB scheme - Scenario 1.pdf

In this scenario the full trustee board complete their fourth quarterly review of the employer covenant, funding strategy and investment strategy. As a result the investment sub-committee meet to review the DB investment strategy in more detail.

0.06Mb, 6 pages