
Type of resources:


Sample risk register
PDF document Extra resource_Risk register.pdf

See a sample risk register

0.08Mb, 4 pages

Advisers and service providers
PDF document Extra resource_Advisers and service providers.pdf

Descriptions of the common advisers and service providers you may work with as a trustee

0.07Mb, 6 pages

Running a scheme: Case example 1/1 - Record keeping
PDF document running-a-scheme-case-example-one.pdf

Pensions manager Sarah Foster talks about the record-keeping problems she faces with her large scheme at Finch Holdings.

0.04Mb, 2 pages

Pensions law: Check your scheme worksheet
PDF document Pensions law_Check your scheme worksheet.pdf

Complete the worksheet to understand your own scheme in relation to the learning from this module

0.04Mb, 8 pages

Pensions law: Tutorial 1/4 - Pensions related legislation
PDF document Pensions law - Tutorial 1 Pensions-related legislation.pdf

Here you will be introduced to the pensions legislation with which, as a trustee, you must comply, and look at several key areas within it.

0.46Mb, 23 pages

Pensions law: Tutorial 2/4 - The Pensions Regulator
PDF document Pensions law - Tutorial 2 TPR.pdf

Here you will find out about the role and powers of The Pensions Regulator, and look more closely at its relationship with trustees of pension funds.

0.43Mb, 6 pages

Pensions law: Tutorial 3/4 - Tax and the state pension
PDF document Pensions law - Tutorial 3 Tax and the state pension.pdf

Here you will look at the tax privileges that pension schemes enjoy, and find out about the state pension and its relation to occupational pensions.

0.42Mb, 5 pages

Pensions law: Tutorial 4/4 - Internal dispute resolution procedure
PDF document pensions-law-tutorial-four.pdf

Find out what you should do when a member of your pension scheme has a complaint. You also look at the options the member has when internal procedures fail to resolve the dispute.

0.42Mb, 5 pages

Pensions law: Scenario 1/2
PDF document Pensions law - Scenario 1.pdf

In this scenario you find out that someone is leaving the board. Beatrice the scheme lawyer attends the meeting to give a briefing.

0.20Mb, 6 pages

Pensions law: Scenario 2/2
PDF document Pensions law - Scenario 2.pdf

You and your fellow trustees will meet Charlotte, an independent trustee who has joined the board. You will also have to address a number of member disputes.

0.59Mb, 5 pages