
Type of resources:


How a DC scheme works (2014): Scenario 3/3
PDF document How a DC scheme works - Scenario 3.pdf

In this scenario the trustees look at the communications for members in the DC scheme and the service they are receiving from their key service providers.

0.09Mb, 6 pages

How a DC scheme works (2014): Case example 1/1 - Delays at retirement
PDF document how-a-dc-scheme-works-case-example-one.pdf

Examine one of the Ombudsman’s cases and find out how important it is to provide timely information to members of DC schemes.

0.04Mb, 2 pages

Communication timeline
PDF document extra-resource-communication-timeline.pdf

Suggested timeline for communicating with members as they approach pension age.

0.07Mb, 3 pages

Charges glossary
PDF document extra-resource-charges-glossary.pdf

Descriptions of common costs and charges

0.07Mb, 5 pages

Investment in a DC scheme: Check your scheme worksheet
PDF document investment-in-a-dc-scheme-check-your-scheme-worksheet.pdf

Complete the worksheet to understand your own scheme in relation to the learning from this module

0.09Mb, 7 pages

Investment in a DC scheme: Tutorial 1/5 - Setting an investment strategy
PDF document investment-in-a-dc-scheme-tutorial-one.pdf

Building on the 'An introduction to investment' module, continue to develop your knowledge of investment, specifically within a DC scheme.

0.09Mb, 8 pages

Investment in a DC scheme: Tutorial 2/5 - Default investment options
PDF document investment-in-a-dc-scheme-tutorial-two.pdf

Learn about providing a default arrangements for members.

0.13Mb, 15 pages

Investment in a DC scheme: Tutorial 3/5 - Alternative investment options
PDF document investment-in-a-dc-scheme-tutorial-three.pdf

Learn about offering alternative investment options for members.

0.10Mb, 11 pages

Investment in a DC scheme: Tutorial 4/5 - Charges
PDF document investment-in-a-dc-scheme-tutorial-four.pdf

Building on the 'Value for members and charges' tutorial in the module 'How a DC scheme works', learn more about the charges involved in investments and whether they represent good value for members.

0.09Mb, 9 pages

Investment in a DC scheme: Tutorial 5/5 - Managing performance
PDF document investment-in-a-dc-scheme-tutorial-five.pdf

Learn more about investment governance including assessing performance against objectives and benchmarks and what is involved with removing/replacing an investment option available to members.

0.10Mb, 12 pages